Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Fiction.Chocolate. Sinfully Superb

Chocolate, Sinfully Superb
Some people dream of drowning in a vat of whiskey, my fantasy is slowly slipping away while being smothered in creamy milk chocolate, hoping to be able to swallow just a few more litres of this heavenly delight before passing away.
Now chocolate comes in big slabs, small blocks, mini bites, wonderful flavours of milk, dark and white, who cares, it’s got to be good for you. Many people consume tonnes of this delicacy in their lifetime; including your truly. My preference is the milk variety with a side dish of white and lots of it.
I have been told dark chocolate is very good for you having lots of anti oxidants, again who cares, the mere mention of that nine letter word sends me into a maniacally frenzy, drooling at the mouth, that first bite sometimes sends me into a chocoholic climax which can last through the entire block. I do know my limitations, never buy a huge slab, it gets devoured in record time down to licking out the last crumbs in the tinfoil wrap.
That’s just the choky blocks, next comes the boxes of carefully itemized delights of all shapes and tastes, one needs to read the different flavours, study the ingredients, alas an urgent frenzy takes over and not too long the whole box is devoured. Among my favourite brands are Cadburys Roses, and any liqueur filled morsels, and a definite lean towards imported treasures such as Ferro Roche from Belgium and I just can’t resist the Swiss Lindts individually wrapped varieties.
That’s just the beginning of what can be done with the seed of the Cacao tropical tree, a native of South America where it was first domesticated and highly prized by the Aztecs. It has been extensively cultivated in the old world since the Spanish conquest. The fruit is a pod containing a sweetish pulp in which are embedded rows of seeds, the harvested pods are fermented by naturally occurring bacteria and yeast to eliminate their bitter, astringent quality. The seeds are then cured and roasted, the clean kernels, called cocoa are manufactured into various products. Their large percentage of fat, removed by pressure, (trust me, it is non-fattening) this is called cocoa butter, used in soaps and cosmetics. Another interesting bit of history, Cocoa beans were used as currency in pre-Columbian civilizations, between 80-100 beans would buy you a new cloth mantle.
Now we have that all confirmed, lets move onto the next use of this product to die for. Cakes of all styles, chocolate Log, Black forest and shortcake, a large selection of biscuits, plain and cream filled. Chocolate icing always adds that final touch to sponges and cup cakes. Another of my favourites, (wish I was a good cook) Chocolate Éclairs, yum!
Moving through the chocolate ranks you must not forget the old favourites drinks like Cocoa and Drinking Chocolate, and the mouth watering Whiskey based home made Irish Cream Liquor, very smooth on the palate but with the kick of a mule if over indulged, the family recipe has been passed down to me.
Now that seems to cover a lot of ground, so lets all take a minutes silence and dream of our favourite combination, plus deciding which is the closest shop to make our hysterical dash . I think I have gathered a kilo or two just writing this short document on my favourite pastime. Now where did I put those Eclairs?
Word Count. 580.

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