Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Non-fiction. My Time as a Hero

My Life Among Golden Sands

Why am I so lucky? In the twilight years of my life I decided to leave my homeland of New Zealand and settle in Australia. This took quite a while as a mistake in relocation could make a misery of my latter years.
Starting in New South Wales I slowly made my way north along the coastline trying to decide where to settle. Finally arriving in Mooloolaba, my decision was very soon decided, this is where I could be happy ever after.
There are kilometres of fantastic golden beaches only short distances from each other. Being a retired gentleman who has followed his family here, my days are never boring or lonely all the year round, developing a wonderful routine of walking the beaches, my favourite place is a seat near the harbour entrance watching the boats coming and going or reading a good novel.
Although the Sunshine Coast is very popular and sometimes the traffic is very solid, I can still manage to ride my bicycle around the many canals that make for a wonderful lifestyle.
With this wonderful way of life I am never short of houseguests, probably because of my continuous promotion of this little part of paradise. They come in droves to check out my theory, not to be disappointed. Usually waiting for a further invitation.
Another huge benefit of coastal living is this lovely part of the country which has everything one needs … well patrolled beaches by our Surf Life Savers, great apartment living for all ages, canal frontages, families prefer this coast for safety and climate, excellent reasonably priced restaurants and large shopping centres which boast many of the big names in department stores. There are favourite spots along the coast for the hundreds of surfers who enjoy some top class waves to put their sport into reality, Oh!, to be back in my teens again to enjoy the carefree days of perpetual sunshine and surf.
There are plenty of alternative places to visit when a change of beach is needed; Boat cruises, an excellent underwater world, markets and lot’s of entertainment for children, drives along the coastline offer some wonderful views.
If there is still room for more exploring, Sunshine Coast is very central to some great hinterland experiences, within an hours drive you can be viewing the wonders of the Glasshouse Mountains, visit Montville, the lovely craft town in the mountains, Australian Zoo, Big Pineapple to name a few.
Nearly every town along the coast has it’s own Surf Clubs which cater for wonderful views of the ocean to admire while enjoying their fine food, drinks and entertainment, there are also lots of small pubs and takeaway services.
The Coast has a very large University which brings hundreds of students to the area; U3A gives us oldies a chance to further our studies and keep our brains active with a wide range of courses, most during the daytime, I have decided to take another German class to improve conversation, and a Writers Workshop to find out if I will be able to write that book I have always had a desire to do, I’m sure to learn more than I know now.
My love for this great place carries on for me as a volunteer in one of the Maroochy Tourism Information Centres; this is a job where I can promote this wonderful coast to the hundreds of visitors who come here each year. Every time I see a large aeroplane coming in for landing at Maroochydore Airport I know there is a planeload of lucky holidaymakers who have wisely chosen this wonderful stretch of coastline from Caloundra to Noosa to unwind from everyday stresses.
Hope my short account of the fabulous Sunshine Coast helps other residents to appreciate what a great life we can enjoy and be proud to promote this wonderful discovery; like I have, and hope to for many years to come.
Jim Fitzthum.


Kevin. James (Jim) Fitzthum.

1/23 Pangarinda Place.

Mooloolaba. 4557 Qld,

Ph. (07) 54775507.

Mob. 0421711357

Email. Fitzy11@bigpond.com

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