Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Poem. Cofusion Rules

Confusion Rules
The twins had reach their sixteen years
Lives were different, with many fears
Confusion was high, their bodies changing
Even their minds were re-arranging
Parents always wrong, teachers worse
Learning was hard, something to curse

Loud music was in, and everyone’s pain
Sloppy clothes were also very little gain
Body changing hard to take
Junk food was on the make
Rejection of schooling, no need to learn
With thoughts changing daily, energy to burn

More thoughts now for sexual desires
Girls and more girls, attractions inspires
Staying out late, every night of the week
Hard to wake, more sleep to seek
If only they would discuss their ongoing feeling
This would surely be more appealing

Hopefully this crisis of teenager rebels
Will pass so we can enjoy well-earned spells
The pattern of youth has never changed
Nothing that we can re-arrange
Just go along with the flow
And hope it settles, but not too slow

We all went through this part of growing
Maybe this generation had more distractions showing
We must feel for them, they live in a fast lane
How does the body adjust, also the brain
With many distractions all over town
No wonder their lives are so upside down

Word Count 205

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