Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Poem. The Andes Crossing

The Andes Crossing
It was just after dawn
Tourists waiting, most foreign born
The Cuzco express was again late
All were anxious to start this scenic great
Crossing the countryside that the Andes did frame
A dangerous place, many bandits remain

The train arrived, special carriage attached
Sellers joined us to see beauty unlatched
Three hours later, with the Andes as backdrop
Then a sudden jolt, the train made a stop
Confusion ruled, soldiers and guards did shout
Sellers took cover, our safety in doubt

The bandits had been here
A bridge no longer I fear
Our train can’t go on, with frightening sensations
Silence took over the folk of all nations
Too scared to talk, maybe this was the end
The sellers were cautious, approached us as a friend.

A meal cooked in the galley was served, hot and neat
The chef tried to ease fear with his many a tasty treat
With beer and wine the bar did provide
I could see frightened faces, drinks couldn’t hide
Hoping the soldiers could protect our train
But I think they were scared too, you could see the strain.

It was late in the day, night would be soon
The bridge repair folk arrived, changing our gloom
To make a Bailey bridge and set up new rails
Quietness was scary, but selling never fails
Offloading their trinkets for special prices
A relief to barter and forget the crisis.

An idea I thought would help ease some wrongs
Suggesting a party, have drinks, and sing songs
At first no one moved, then a guitar appears
Some joined in singing, lubricated by some beers
Russians did a dance, Americans, a patriotic song
The group from Europe, their selection was strong

Now Greeks shared their Ouzo, songs from their hits
Kiwis the Haka, had the group in fits
Next Australians with ballads in top voice
Time soon passed, with quite a loud noise
The bandits should be scared, maybe take to the hills
These strange sounds, enough to cause chills

Darkness made for mysterious shocks
Not knowing what lurked behind bushes and rocks
Another meal made, free drinks all around
The service was great, no fault found
Singing and stories continued to stay
Anything to keep our worries at bay

Cheers rang out, the repairs were complete
The train slowly moves, a new bridge to meet
A charge of glasses as we gathered speed
We were on our way, with the sellers a tough breed
They faithfully stayed, hoping for more sales
A harsh way to live, with risks it entails

Now the setting had changed, new friends had been made
A mix of folk became one, not to fade
The bond between nations, it was a close shave
We’re not really different, when it’s time to be brave
Now we can enjoy the trip of pure gold
Stronger people with a story to be told
Count 482

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